Wednesday, March 11, 2009

SIs. Sowards and Me

Wow, could anyone be a happier missionary? Sis. Cox, aka Danielle, loves her companion. They are a great team. Both love to jog and workout, both love to do hair (her companion is actually a hair stylist) and both love the gospel. They are both from Utah and so when 2 - 4 inches of snow fell last week, Yikes, they didn't know what to do, ha ha. Actually they can't leave their apartment when it snows because they are not equipped with road plows or cars that drive well in the snow. The humidity causes the roads to ice over rapidly and they have a lot of accidents, but to true Utahns it was weird being snowed in!

Danielle said in her last email that if she had to leave her mission today she would feel like she had completed it. They have introduced the gospel to so many wonderful people. When they get these investigators to a baptism the spirit is so strong that they want to know more about the gospel. It is true that the Lord places missionaries just where they are needed at the right moment. This has happened so many times in her mission that it is no doubt that the Lord is not working through these 2 sister missionaries. I would love to tell everyone about everything, but some things are just too sacred and private, however the gospel is REAL. Never doubt!

They have had an opportunity to be in the old colonial towns, the fun ones with all the historical things, etc. She was able to go into a church that was built in the 1700's , like 1710, where George Washington and the founding fathers went. She said the spirit there was overwhelming and it just felt wonderful. So, they do get to actually talk to people in these areas as well as tour them on P-Day.

She was so worried about having to leave her first area so soon, so when she had an interview with her Mission Pres. she was anxious. When the phone call came she was so excited. They are going to leave her there and just add a third sister to the companionship. Now when they are teaching a man they don't have to find someone in the ward to go with them. I don't know what the rules are, but she said this was going to be a great thing.

The ward members are great and feed them often and look out after them. It really must be like a big family in the ward there. Her ward mission leader is coming into SLC tomorrow and we have been in contact with him and are going to meet him. He is on a trip out here, he attends post graduate school at William & Mary. I am so excited I can hardly wait. Not that he can bring us to her or her to us, but just to be able to talk face to face with someone she is working so much with right now it exciting.

Some of the "Men" they have contacted have had the wrong idea about sister missionaries and want to date them before they will go to church with them, but missionaries don't date. Thank Heavens for that! And because of this it shows what some investigators are really thinking! We are just grateful that the Lord is watching out for all his missionaries.

Well, thats it for now. Will update this as we get more pictures and information.

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