Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Night Before!!!!

Well, I am starting this blogspot for friends and family to find out how Danielle is doing on her mission. She is being set apart at 8:30p.m. and so the cell phone will be GONE after that time. Hopefully, she has all your numbers off of it before it is TERMINATED. I would prefer that she take it with her, just a motherly thing to do, but the mission rules don't allow it. Wow, I wouldn't be a very good missionary, would I?

Tomorrow is the big day, hopefully it won't be snowy! We have had so many last meals that we are all stuffed. But, wow, what a way to go.


  1. I remember that night like it was yesterday. I also remember the last phone call and text and the great,final, "reliquishing of the cell phone". One of Mike's friends asked him, after he had arrived in his mission, if he missed his cell phone and Mike replied, "Yeah, I feel phantom phone vibrations in my pocket." My thoughts are with you both, Danielle and Carol Ann, however, I must say I relate more with the mom on this one. Good luck, Danielle. May you have comfort and peace as you approach this new, sacred adventure. God by with you. LuAnn

  2. She is an official Sister Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I, mom, am her companion until 11:30.m. tomorrow morning.

    The Stake Pres. and Bishop came over to the house and gave her such a wonderful blessing. The spirit was so strong, it was just the perfect evening. All the Adults got to say something about her and they were wonder things, but the best part was that what they were saying was all true about her. We have taken lots of pictures and I hope to post them after the MTC is over with. The MOM!

  3. Dani,
    I know you are already rockin' in the MTC. I was telling Adam how I've never seen anyone so ready and as excited to go on a mission as you. Thanks for letting us come drop you off at the MTC. You are always in our prayers. We love you, and miss you.
    Christy, Adam and kids
